Title: S-H-A-M-E: Buhari’s appointment of dead men to Boards takes a new twist.

“Do not elect Buhari, he is brain dead.” ~ Patience Goodluck Jonathan.

When we think we’ve seen it all and had enough of the blunder we call PMB’s government, we are given a higher dose of what Nigerians now term ‘the most corrupt and inept government Nigeria has ever had.

Just when Nigerians were beginning to understand the assertion of PMB when he said, during his inauguration, “I belong to no body and I belong to everybody”. We applauded him without knowing he meant he will be the leader of both living and dead Nigerians;  so much so he had to include the dead in leadership.

‘To add a bit of salt to injury’ the Presidency released a statement buttress our fears that this government is grossly incapable to lead, and that the leadership of Boss Mustafa as SGF is a sham and our concerns over his inability to be the SGF since he failed as NIWA Chairman is now confirmed.

Please read the Press Release from the Presidency below and reach your own conclusions.


The Presidency on Saturday explained why there were names of dead persons on the list of newly appointed chairmen and members of board of government parastatals and agencies.
The list was released on Friday by the office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF).
The Senior Special Assistant to the on Media and publicity, Garba Shehu said that the list was prepared before President Muhammadu Buhari took ill and was subsequently released by the SGF, Boss Mustapha without any alteration.
According to him, the President requested for the submission of 50 names each by the state chapters of the All Progressive Congress (APC) in 2015 which were later complied by the National Secretariat of the party.
He also pointed out that the names were then submitted to the immediate past SGF, Babachir Lawal.
He said: “However, complaint arose from some governors who felt they were not carried along in the process. To answer this, the president constituted a committee under the vice president to review and reflect the interest of the governors.”
He said that action on the report submitted to the President by the committee headed by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo was delayed because of President Buhari’s illness and his subsequent medical vacation abroad.
“The president’s trips for medical attention slowed down completion of the process,” he said.
According to him, the president only decided to revisit the matter recently and therefore directed the new SGF to release the list.
“The current SGF was only directed to complete that process by releasing the list which he apparently did without altering it,” he stated.
He said that the appearance of dead persons names on the list was a mistake which would be corrected.
The President had  approved the constitution of the Governing Boards of Agencies and Parastatals, under some Ministries, as well as the appointment of eminently qualified Nigerians to fill the Board positions.
It is made up of 209 Chairmen and 1,258 members.
According to a statement issued by SGF, in Abuja on Friday said the President considered the approval for the constitution of the Boards as well as the appointments as they were “very necessary, so as to provide a proper Governance and oversight structure for Government Agencies and Parastatals.”
The statement added: “The constitution of the boards with the appointments, is a demonstration of this Government’s efforts aimed at building strong institutions of Governance, and by extension, improving the quality of Policy formulation and supervision.
“While these appointments represent a substantial number of hitherto pending board appointments, some more appointments are still being processed and will be released in due course.
“The appointments take immediate effect and Honourable Ministers are advised to inaugurate the boards after letters of appointment have been issued.”

My Take:
This is an expensive mistake. If it wasn't hurriedly released when the list was drawn, there's nothing to suggest any hasty action now. This is a good. Not only we have posthumous award, the new one is posthumous appointments.
