
Showing posts from December 6, 2017

10 things some SARS officers don’t want you to know.

10 things some SARS officers don’t want you to know - 1.Bail is free 2.Upon arrest, you are liable to remain silent; Section 6 of the ACJA Act 2015; Section 35(2) 1999 Constitution 3. When been questioned, you must have your lawyer present. Section 6(2)(a) Administration of Criminal Justice Act (2015) 4. No one should be subject to torture or unlawful treatment. Section 8, Administration of Criminal Justice Act (2015); Section 34, 1999 Constitution. 5. Upon arrest, suspect must be charged to court immediately. Section 32 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (2015) 6. Police officer making an arrest must state reason. Section 6, Administration of Criminal Justice Act, 2015. 7.Suspect is innocent until proven guilty. Section 36(5) of the 1999 Constitution. 8. No one can be arrested in lieu of another person 9.Police cannot unlawfully search your phones 10.Anyone unlawfully arrested is entitled to compensation. Section 35(6) 1999 Constitution. If your rights