
Showing posts from February 5, 2009

Action! Action!! Action!!!

Benjamin Disraeli said "Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action." Advise: Action is the only means great dreams come to live. Start taking precise actions towards the actualization of your dreams today. You will never possess what you are unwilling to pursue. Your dreams and goals can never see the light of day if you are unwilling to pursue them. Race Horses never win races while they are in stalls. Soldiers never win wars without combats. Great businesses are never built by just thinking about them alone. You've got to start taking meaningful actions to actualization your dreams today.Motion is the seed for emotion. Movements changes your environments instantly. It is time to move from just thinking into the realm of actions.Remember, for you to start enjoying the kind of success you have never had before, you have to begin to do things you’ve never done before. Remain blessed. Till I come your way again, Your partner in success,