
Showing posts from March 10, 2009

SERIES THEME: The Uncommon Millionaires Success Systems. Secret 1.

TOPIC: 10 SECRETS OF UNCOMMON MILLIONAIRES. A secret is information kept from the knowledge of any but the initiated or privileged. Uncommon millionaires operate by some key success secrets. These secrets of success may seem ordinary and unknown to the ordinary man on the street. But the secrets are endowed with huge potentials that can create uncommon success for you as they have done for the uncommon millionaires. It’s important for us to always remember, during the course of this teaching, that the term secrets of success (The Uncommon Millionaires Success Systems) are likened to LAWS – laws are not respecter of persons or circumstances, they always hold-through e.g. the law of gravity, the law of aerodynamics, the law of floatation etc. The Secrets of Success are like laws; they work for you when obeyed and they cause great lack when disobeyed. SECRET 1: LEVERAGING: The Uncommon millionaires uses the Secret of Leveraging to create phenomenal levels of wealth which make them the env