
Showing posts from March 22, 2012


Quote of the Day: A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions. -- Confucius. 4 WAYS TO TAKE ACTION ON YOUR GOALS. As with all things in your life, you have a choice to make. In this case your choice is clear: Are you going to apply what you’ve learned in pursuit of a better life or business, or are you going to file this knowledge away and stay in your comfort zone?   Realize that action is the key to making positive changes in your life. Without action, knowledge is lost. Inaction will not result in fulfillment. There is only one thing standing in the way of achieving all that’s possible: You! If you make the conscious choice to sit back and watch the world go by without ever making an attempt at achieving your goals, you will experience profound regret in your life.   The sad truth is that many people remain idle in the face of challenges and make the decision to stay put in a life of discontent—to remain in a job that brings them no satisfaction