
Showing posts from December 31, 2008


“The fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction”. Proverb 1:7 KJV. God is the omni-present, the omni-science, the alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. God is everything to a man is who in search of genuine success. He is the one that gives success and adds no sorrow to it. The first step to lasting success and unshakeable foundation of wealth creation is aligning ones goals with God. There was a middle aged single mother of two in Texas, United States of America, who use to run a home dry cleaning services. This woman was known for a dodged hard-working principles to meet the needs of her family. In spite of the meagre pay she was making from her business which wasn’t enough to meet the basic necessity of family, she was faithful in paying her tithe, every single week, to her local church. For years she continued her faithful services to God through her local church until one day a miracle happened; an oil exploration company dis