
Showing posts from March 16, 2012

Topic: Boldness.

Monday’s Motivational Talk. Topic: Boldness. Quote: ’Coward: A man in whom the instinct of self-preservation acts normally. ’ -- ~Sultana Zoraya. Only the bold stand-out in the pursuit and the achievement of their goals. ... No man is born with boldness just as no man is born with timidity. Inspite of the little frame of Napoleon Bonaparte, he learnt boldness on the field of wars to preserve his army and his empire. Humans have the sixth-sense to perceive fear in others – when they sense the lack of boldness in you they go blood-thirsty attacking you on all fronts – its just human nature - never let your guard down – pursue your goals and vision with a new and avowed demonstration of boldness. A wise-man once said: courage is not the lack of fear but the ability to go on even in the face of fear. My advise to you this week is that you embrace and act with boldness in all you do – give no place to fear, because ’only the brave survive’. Have a terrific week team. Joachim O