
“The fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction”.
Proverb 1:7 KJV.

God is the omni-present, the omni-science, the alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. God is everything to a man is who in search of genuine success. He is the one that gives success and adds no sorrow to it.
The first step to lasting success and unshakeable foundation of wealth creation is aligning ones goals with God.

There was a middle aged single mother of two in Texas, United States of America, who use to run a home dry cleaning services. This woman was known for a dodged hard-working principles to meet the needs of her family. In spite of the meagre pay she was making from her business which wasn’t enough to meet the basic necessity of family, she was faithful in paying her tithe, every single week, to her local church. For years she continued her faithful services to God through her local church until one day a miracle happened; an oil exploration company discovered a large quantity of oil deposit in her property where she lives with her family. She was paid millions of dollars for rights to drill oil from her land. The poor working mother became a millionaire within a short time because of her wavering devotion to God’s service.

God’s awesome power of blessing His faithful followers cannot be over emphasized. The single mother in the story above shows us woman who has a weapon to break poverty by the virtue of her faithfulness in serving God by paying her tithes at all times. She was unlike many people with good business experiences, educational and career means to chart their success part, she was fully dependent on God, and God who will never let those who trust in him to be put to shame gave her a blessing of a lifetime.
Man from time immemorial has always had the need to know their creator deeply, and those who follow the right part to Him with total devotion can achieve exceeding success far above they can imagine. Daniel 11:32 says, “……they that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits” KJV.
When you havehahahaha the fear of God and pursue the things that interest God. When you work in integrity, righteousness, and do all that pleases God, he is faithful and just to bring all your desires to past. It is important to emphasis that patience plays a major role in receiving from God. In God’s laws of success, the law of seed-time and harvest plays through. Your success in God is guaranteed in your sowing; when I say sowing, it means sowing spiritually, financially and materially. Everything good thing you do to make the lives of others in your immediate environment better in line with the great commandment “lover thy neighbour as thyself” will surely create a serials of harvests. Most people fail to learn the act of patience when working to achieve success in line with God’s principles. There is a waiting time between sowing and reaping, all farmers knows that. But the prominent thing in our generation today is uncommon expectation of sowing and reaping instant success. It does not work that way in God. You must learn to sow your seeds, not seed but seeds, and expect harvests in due time.
Another of secret to succeeding in God is when you sow bountifully; never ceasing to sow. A continuous sequence of sowing will guarantee a continuous sequence of harvest. You must learn to operation by that principle of continuous sowing in all seasons. “he that sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and he that sows bountifully will reap bountifully”. The proportion of your harvests will depend on the proportion of your seeds.
So you must give all you can in order to get all God can give. A man that is ready not to withhold nothing for the purpose of fulfilling God’s laws will never lack in anyway. Your seed whether financially, spiritually and materially will always correspond in the success you record.
So as a person who is determined to build a lasting success, the first step is to have the fear of the God, and work in line with his principles. This success principle is so powerful that even if your desired result in not available in the physical God who has more than enough in the spiritual realm to meet your needs will bless you no matter who has gone ahead of you, no matter how late it seems.

Four Principle of the seed sowing that never fails in God.
sowing in the right soil: most people sow in the wrong soils especially for the wrong reasons, and the results are always unfavourable.
In my state, there was a a purposed wealthy man who is know for his various chieftaincy titles, and flambouyant life style of buying fleets of cars and throwing bigs parties. He was known to grace occasions to make big donations and for all this enemies and foes to see that he is on top, and that he is making peoples life better by intimidating them and giving handouts to the needy under the watchful eyes of praise singers. He was given various nicknames such as “Sea never dries etc. In his later life he died a pupua. The same people he was trying to help with self serving ways turned around and laughed at him when he became broke and bursted. He died a sorrowful man.
From the story above and many more eye services sowing of many, it is clear that unless you sow to please God and genuine services to men, you will not necessarily reap the reward of God. Your services and generosity show be to good and charitable causes that will genuinely better the lives of others as it pleases God. And he is that sees the heart of all men will bless you in such a way that nothing can bring you down.
In our society there are many people who are hurting. Many that needs your genuine help without any string attached. The charity homes are there. The widows, and the less privileged in the society are there. The churches of God whose mission is to take the salvage of Christ to the nuk and cranes of the world needs your help. When you see to the needs of these sets of society God will never let you go unrewarded.
Of recent we heard about Bill Gates who retired as the chairman of Microsoft corportation to pursue a career in philatrope. That is the desire of God for those who will truly use his resources for the good of mankind. Heaven is prudent with it’s resources, he will only entrust it’s bounties to man who will truly bless others to make the world a better place to leave.
So as you make the things that pleases God your top priorities you will be blessed beyond your widest dreams. The bible says “blessed is the hands that giveth than the one that taketh. True and enduring success will move towards those who will genuinely use it to bless the life of others.
John D. Rockefeller, the "World's Richest Man" in the early 20th century, was born in the Finger Lakes region of New York, but moved with his family to Northeast Ohio when he was young.Rockefeller, who went on to found the Standard Oil Company, left his mark on Northeast Ohio, donating money for parks, buildings, and some of the area's most beloved institutions.
Inspite of the bad sport light on his businesses, he was known as a man that set aside a percentage of his wealth for charitable purposes. The foundation of his charitable causes were so ingrained in him that his family (all of his children) were made to give a percentage of their allowance to the charitable causes. He knew the benefits of sowing and sowing well. That was the key to his success. So if you want to work and succeed as some of these great men you must learn to soil in the right soil.
Using your God given Talent to Bless Mankind.
Giving back to the society in the area of your gifting is the second way to qualify for God’s blessings. Giving is not only in material terms, it can also be based on your special gifts.

A young man born with a divine mandate to reconcile mankind to him after man went astray in the garden of Eden. This young man started exercising his God given abilities at the age of 30, and in less than 4-years he has touched the lives of so many people that mankind never remained the same.
His vision was to rescue mankind from eternal destruction, and his mission state was clearly give in Isaiah 61:1, and Luke 4:18 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised”
This young man who was 100% man and 100% God, used his unique abilities to heal the sick, raise the dead, walk on water, teach many, and at the end gave his life for the salvation of mankind. God the father rewarded him with a name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus Christ every kneel must bow.
He so affected this world that TIME was related to him (B.C. or A.D.). He wrought miracles in un-usual dimension that even his detractors agreed that no man like him has ever worked the face of the earth.
His principles has been used by great men like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. to liberate nations from bondages. His name is Jesus Christ.
Your reward or success cannot be quantified when you use your God given gifts to bless your generation starting from your immediate community. You must first discover your areas of giftenings. The way to discover this is to know whose pain you feel, whose struggles you are ready to identify with, whose burden you are naturally ready to bear, whose aspiration moves you into action. If your name is Martin Luther King Jr. your mission is to pursue equality of race amongst all American. If you are Mahatma Gandhi, your mission is to liberate Indian from oppression and secure their independence from colonial rule. If your name is Benny Hinns, you will fill the pain of the sick. If your name is Billy Graham, your pain is to a sinful generation. If your name is Nelson Mandela, your mission is to kill Apartheid in South Africa.
You must find out your dominant gifts and use it to bless your immediate community to receive a reward from God. Nothing can stand in the way of man of purpose who is willing to pursue and die for the good of others as it relates to his God given gifts. So you have to do all you can to be a bless to your generation. And as you impact lives with your gifts, rewards will follow you – valuable rewards that leaves a legacy even after you depart this world. Of all given, this gift of blessing your generation with your unique gifts and purpose is the greatest.

Living an exemplary life.
Ecclesiastes 7:1 A good name is better than precious ointment, and the day of death than the day of one's birth. KJV.
Many a men and women have acquired wealth without paying attention to pursuing a good name. Men have destroyed others in genocides all through the ages because of greed for power and posterity have judged them accordingly. The names that easily comes to mind are the likes of Hitler, Abacha, Mobutu Sese Seko. These are villains and dictators who are so greedy for power that they left disasters in their wake. Because of their evil deeds their children and generations after them have become societal rejects.
However, there are other like Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela to name a few who have legends of good legacy.

During the apartheid era, Nelson Mandela was cajoled and pressured to relinquish his struggle in return for good will from the Apartheid regimes. He refused knowing that a good name is better than all the riches of the world. In the process he spent 28-years in prison. But today his signature on autobiles sells millions for charitable causes. Even his prison number on products keeps reaping fortunes for charitable causes. His name has become an institution; a reference point in integrity in mankind struggles against evil.
You too can achieve such exemplary life in a little or big way like Nelson Mandela if only you work to make uprightness your top priority.
The bible says “what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul” ? Standing for what is right and pursuing it to the betterment of others gives great reward in this life and life after here.
An exemplary life as a parent, a teacher, a business leader impacts those who look up to you. Life in general is about influence; we are products of various influences we have been exposed to during our past years. Touch someone’s life in an act of doing the “right” and leading a good life what is worth emulating. Your reward in doing this before God cannot be valued in monetary terms. We live in a society where doing the wrong things to achieve your goals is praised higher than doing the right thing. But be assured that ultimately good will overcome evil. When you soil a good seed, you and generation after you will keep reaping the reward. It is an on ending process benefits especially if what acts are notable ones.
One of the essences of inheritance is for the next generation not to make the mistake of the past one. Your examples will show the right way for the next generation long after you are gone. So strive to live good and upright examples in your work place, in your life pursuits in mentoring others.

Giving to the purpose of spreading the gospel:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33. KJV.
The world is coming an end and many haven’t received Christ as their lord and personal saviour. The sure way to advance God’s word and to increase financially at the same time is to sow into the spread of the gospel around the world. There are missionary around the globe ready to carry on the gospel but for financial constraint.
The bible says “the gift of God maketh rich and added no sorrow to it”. Trust the Lord with your finance and He will elevate to you financial heights you know not.

God is supreme. The beginning of Wisdom starts with him. Sowing of seeds in the right soil guarantees the harvest you desire. God wants you to use your talent, gifts and other resources at your disposal to bless mankind, and in doing so unexpected increases sets in. And spreading the good news of God’s love is the only way we can reap here and in life everlasting.
