SERIES THEME: The Uncommon Millionaires Success Systems. Secret 1.


A secret is information kept from the knowledge of any but the initiated or privileged.
Uncommon millionaires operate by some key success secrets. These secrets of success may seem ordinary and unknown to the ordinary man on the street. But the secrets are endowed with huge potentials that can create uncommon success for you as they have done for the uncommon millionaires.
It’s important for us to always remember, during the course of this teaching, that the term secrets of success (The Uncommon Millionaires Success Systems) are likened to LAWS – laws are not respecter of persons or circumstances, they always hold-through e.g. the law of gravity, the law of aerodynamics, the law of floatation etc.
The Secrets of Success are like laws; they work for you when obeyed and they cause great lack when disobeyed.

The Uncommon millionaires uses the Secret of Leveraging to create phenomenal levels of wealth which make them the envy of their societies, while the general public barely get by with the little that is available to them.
In 1586, Achimedes of Syracuse discovered the lever. Humans since the time of Achimedes have used levers in various ways to achieve the seemingly impossible. The simplest of all levers around today is the car jack with which we lift and change deflated tires on our cars – little tool but much power.
So the term leverage was derived from lever. In the financial world today leverage is one financial secret the uncommon millionaires uses to achieve phenomenal proportion of successes day in day out.
1). In business: the uncommon millionaires will never use their own money as capitals to begin a new businesses, rather they cook up a good business idea, detail it in a business plan, and take the business plan to the bank so that the investment arm of the bank can finance the project. It is called using OPM (other peoples money). The unwise save their money in the bank, and the bank gives it to the uncommon millionaires as loan to invest in their businesses. Since the uncommon millionaires knows that in business you don’t spend your capital but your profits, they use the capital from the bank to finance their projects and after they achieved their goals, they back pay the bank their money and grow to higher levels of success with the established business and profits thereon. This is why the uncommon millionaires are always quick to say “ it does not take money to make money, but ideas to make money.” In fact one of my mentors wrote a book called “ideas rule the world.”
2). In getting the right people to get their success goals achieved. It is called OPT (other people’s time). No good idea can become a success on it own even with the best finances; it requires the expertise of the right people to make it a success. This is why the uncommon millionaires will surround and pay for the services of the right people to make the vision happen. He knows its near impossible to know everything so he surrounds himself with the right people.

There are more areas, but they will be discussed in details on our seminars.

The use of leverage is one of the key secrets of the uncommon millionaires. They fund their business ideas with OPM and OPT.
We do in-depth teachings on this secret during our seminars (wealth creation seminars). During the seminar, we reveal practical areas to use leverage to boost your productive. Stay tuned for more information about our seminars.
We will be discussing secret number 2 tomorrow so stay tuned.
Till I come your way tomorrow, please remember; for you to start enjoying the kind of success you have never had before, you have to begin to do the things you have never done before.
Leave comments on my blog or on the discussion board (Wisdom For Total Success International).
Remain blessed.
To your success,
Joachim Okhai & Widom For Total Success International.
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