Buhari encourages modern day slavery and dehumanisation of Nigerians.


The worst  form of injustice in a society is when a government sits idle and watch the dehumanisation of her people in a foreign land - citizens dehumanised and sold as slaves while the government sits on its head and watch.

From time immemorial Nigerians have suffered many injustices; the Sahara and Trans-atlantic slave trade, pilfery/monumental corruption et al. But the height of it all is that the present administration brides itself, indirectly, on Human Rights abuses under Buhari. Buhari,whose leadership does not care for her citizens; the latest being the the disastrous and inhumane treatment being melted out to Nigerian citizens by North African Arabs,  Libyans to be precise. The pains of the injustice to Nigerians is less compared to the complicity in the injustice by a President who folds his hands, in indifference, while the disaster unfolds. It is as if he is wishing for more or a worst disaster to befall his people while he and his family live in ostentcious luxury with a fleet of aircrafts  at the expense of the people and tax payers money.

Just yesterday 26 Nigerians, mostly teenage girls, who were brutalised, abused, raped and murdered according to preliminary inquest reports, were buried in unmarked graves in Italy without a representative of Nigeria's government in attendance. These young girls are amongst the hundreds of thousands of Nigerians trying to cross the Sahara desert to seek greener pastures in Europe.

Nigerians are inundated with news like these week in week out while our elected leaders sit on their hands while Nigeria burns and die in the modern day slavery taking place in North Africa.

Just last week, the Governor of Edo State received 86 of such abused and repatriated Nigerians of which 16 of the girls were confirmed pregnant from being raped and treated inhumanely in North Africa. And these abuses goes unabated because our soul-less and conscience-less leaders who does not know shame nor what national pride is all about. Yet we (Nigeria), time and time again, bask in the flirting illusion and euphoria of the quest for development and pretend to aspire to be like Western developed nations who put great importance on the lives of their citizens - nations who preempt the world 'that an attack on one of their citizen is an attack on their whole nation'. And because of that nations around the world have learnt not to mess with their citizens. But our case in Nigeria is grossly different: Buhari and his Minister for Foreign Affairs and Ambassadors, have propagate these atrocities against our people through complicity by silence and in-actions when our people are traded as cheap commodities, brutalised and kept in cages like animals.

Nigeria news media are also guilty of complicity in this unfolding drama because they do not do as much as to pour light on this modern day slavery going on in North Africa. Televised footages keep showing enslaved Nigerians begging our leaders to come rescue them and take them back home. Yet our leaders watch with 'no care in the world' for them.
CNN and other international news outlets must be commended for their coverage  of this never ending drama of sorrow, tears and blood.

The big question before us all is: is Buhari not aware that the brutality, dehumanisation and the slave treatment melted out to his people in Libya makes him a slave as well? Because he is the 'face' of Nigeria.

Is he not aware that the massive brain-drain and human capital haemorrhaging the nation is facing since the 70s is due to the disaster caused by the military hegemony, which he was part of and still embodies - they are responsible for the decades of decay and retrogression in the country till date - it is the greed of the class of 1966 and their atrocities that is responsible for  why 'Andrew is still checking out till today'

Can't Buhari be proactive on this shameful issue while he still can? Can't genuine youth empowerment,  education and job creation be the fulcrum of this administration?

Please read this report:

Salerno, Italy (CNN)Twenty-six matching coffins for the mostly nameless victims of the latest Mediterranean migrant disaster were lined up in two rows in the center of the main cemetery in Salerno in southern Italy on Friday.
Local representatives from the Muslim and Catholic communities blessed each coffin. Local students, refugees and survivors of the incident that killed the Nigerian victimslaid white roses on their coffins. Ten were interred in Salerno. The others were put in hearses and taken to area cemeteries.
The 26 women and girls were in a rubber dinghy that capsized in the Mediterranean on November 5. Also on board were 150 or more other people, according to Salerno chief prosecutor Corrado Lembo, who says as many as 100 people are considered missing.

People touched the coffins after the memorial service.
The Spanish vessel Cantabria brought the bodies to Salerno with the 64 survivors of the shipwreck, along with 400 migrants who had been rescued in operations off the coast of Libya.
Monsignor Antonio De Luca, who presided over the ceremony, told the crowds that had gathered that the 26 women and girls and the two "creations of nature" -- two of the victims were pregnant, one in the fifth month and the other at six weeks -- died looking for a better life.
"They were searching for freedom and they found death," he said. "We hope God can accompany them in peace. Peace that they didn't find on earth."
