Motivational Talk of the week

Dear All,
I hope you had a nice weekend?
As promised, we are beginning our short, Monday’s only, “motivational talk”.

Topic: Stay Motivated With Your Goals.
Quote: “All things are difficult before they are easy.” -- Thomas Fuller.

We all experience “The N-Moments” (The Negative Moments). The “The N-Moments” are times in our lives and the pursuit of our goals, when we get so de-motivated towards the pursuit of our goals. Those are the moment when we doubt if the “goal” is worth been accomplished anymore. The moment when we get so discouraged with the results we are getting from our goals, and we just don’t want to continue, or just want to slow down, and look for a much easier, enjoyable and better goal to pursue.
We all have this temporal moments of discouragements, even the most accomplished of men go through these moments. Some are going through them right now. But the good news is that good things come to those who can persevere and exercise patience. You must keep on keeping on; even when the going is tough, and the horizon is unclear; even when you see no light at the end of the tunnel. You should and must not accept quitting as an option. And like our topic’s quote goes “all things are difficult before they are easy”.
Repetition is the mother of skills according to Anthony Robinson. Keep at your project, all your good efforts( seeds) shall come back with good results (fruits) in due time.
Face this new week with renewed vigor/energy. Face your most important fears. Take on your most scaring challenges heads-on. Make that difficult decision. Make that difficult phone call. Go for that important meeting. Show courage and bravery on all fronts. Be assured of one thing, and one thing only, your victory is assured, and it’s just around the corner.
Have a splendid week.
Yours sincerely,
Joachim Okhai.
For: Team Wisdom For Total Success International.
