Your Dominate Thoughts and Beliefs Creates Your Successes or Failures.

The strongest single factor in prosperity consciousness is self-esteem: believing you can do it, believing you deserve it, believing you will get it.
Jerry Gillies.

Success can be defined, in a broad sense, as the ability to achieve your dreams, desires, hopes, wishes and goals in each of the important areas of your life.The big question is what is the starting point in attaining good success? The answer is simple. In your thoughts. How do I get it started in my thoughts? Through the creation of success conscious BELIEF systems. It is important for us to know that knowledge alone cannot make a person succeed, that’s why no matter the level of persuasion given to person about success while he or she does not believe, need or desire to succeed, it just a waste of time. “… he thinks in his heart so is he.” Proverb 23:7.So its all rooted in the thought process; if a man thinks is he a failure, failure will be his reality, and if he thinks he can succeed, no matter the circumstances he finds himself, surely he will experience a life of success.So, my simple advice today is, we must learn to change the direction of thoughts from failure consciousness to success consciousness in order to bring about our desired success goals. One of the cardinal laws of success is “first within and then without.” In Brian Tracy book – The Million Dollar Habits. He clearly explained how your habits will determine your successes. It’s a book worth reading.I urge you, beginning from this moment, to start creating positive success habits that will bring you the joys of success that you’ve always longed for.Till I come your way again, Remember, for you to start enjoying the kind of success you have never had before, you have to begin to do things you’ve never done before.Leave comments on my blog or on the discussion board (Wisdom For Total Success International).
Remain blessed.
Your success Partners,
Joachim Okhai & Widom For Total Success Int'l.
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