Learn Faster Than Your Competition.

Arie De Gues said “Your ability to learn faster than your competition is your only sustainable competitive advantage.”

Human evolution have experienced several revolutions such as the ice-age, stone-age, agrarian, industrial, and now, the information revolution – even within the information revolution, there are several revolutions going on.
You must understand that this fact; that the information with which success was achieved yesterday is far different from the information that makes for success today. And the information that makes for success today will be obsolete when the information that makes for success tomorrow comes. The world is constantly changing, and if you must become an uncommon success in this age, you must learn to catch up with the changes now, and even strive be several steps ahead of today to flat your competition.
We all know about Fuller Buckminster, the futurist businessman and writer. He was a man who was ahead of his time and the difference his ideas are making in this world today cannot be disputed. You must be innovative in learning new things to give your success-goals a constant boost; to be ahead of your competitors, you must commit to equipping yourself with current and futurist information which will ultimately create your edge in your area of assignment.
It is near impossible today for Bill Gates to revert to the same wisdom with which he created Microsoft to achieve the kind of success he had. It is also near impossible today for Ford Corp. to use and achieve the same strategies with which it mass produced cars in the past. Times and seasons have specific information to drive the engines of success. So you need to act and learn faster than your competition to achieve uncommon success.
I read a book by Bill Gates called Business at the speed of thought. Yes. In this age speed is everything! Business and other worthwhile goals must be done at the speed of thought. It is true that uncommon success will only answerable to uncommon speed in learning and using new information.
There are diverse ways to acquire current and futurist information for your dreams.
1). Get involved in the multi-trillion dollar world of the internet – all kinds of information are available there – all.
2). Associate with mentors, experts, consultants and leaders of your sphere of assignment who can share new and dynamic information with you to achieve your goals.
3. Associate with the person of the Holy Spirit. He knows all things – He is the custodian of all wisdom. He can reveal things to you in visions, dreams, mediation-times, and through your thought process. He is by far the greatest teacher.
Till I come your way again, Remember, for you to start enjoying the kind of success you have never had before, you have to begin to do things you’ve never done before.Leave comments on my blog or on the discussion board (Wisdom For Total Success International).
Remain blessed.
To your success,
Joachim Okhai & Widom For Total Success Int'l.
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