Change Your Strategy.

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.” – Abraham Lincoln.

Change is the only constant in life – it is not a thing, it is the constant. You must learn to accept it, work with it, and make it bring you good success!
If you are experiencing any kind of setbacks or de-motivation towards the realization of your success goals right now, then it’s time to change your strategy(s) for the realization of your goals. Yesterday’s strategy may have worked very well to have brought you this far, but for you to experience the next big thing you have to change
strategy(s). The world is changing at a fast pace please don’t be left behind.
Dr. Martin Luther King spoke of “the fierce urgency of now.” Please waste no time in thinking out new strategy to combat the temporal setbacks you are experiencing right now. If you are at loss as to what to do or how to strategize a-new, please contact me, we can work out some great strategies that will give you real momentum for the actualization of your success goals.
Till I come your way again, Remember, for you to start enjoying the kind of success you have never had before, you have to begin to do things you’ve never done before.Leave comments on my blog or on the discussion board (Wisdom For Total Success International).
Remain blessed.
Your success Partners,
Joachim Okhai & Widom For Total Success International.
Pls invite friends to join our group: Wisdom For Total Success International on facebook.


  1. Change is necessary, but this is hard so many of us to accept.
    To a great extent, i think it's hard to accept change because of the fear of the unknown.
    With change there are many unknowns that come with it. And people tend to stick with what they know, for better or worse.

    Each time we go through changes, we have to let go of something although this menas we equally gain something new.

    The hardest part of change for me, when it comes to the circle of life is, that a piece of myself, my memories, especially child hood memories is gradually being erased by life and something new is taking it's place. This is very hard for me to accept.

    It's as though nature gradually erases all that we were (or once was), from being.{This statement is open for discussion}

    But like i said ealier change is necessary, whether in the case of stratgeies or in the circle of life. So i accept change, by looking onto something better as i say goodbye to what once was.

    Well said Okhai, Change is indeed the only constant in life.


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