Hello friends,
I just want to take this time out to discuss some pertinent things that make for success in business, family, career, and life in general. Let me begin by giving you one of the comprehensive definition of success: Success can be defined as the the accomplishment of worthwhile goal(s).Here are some important things to consider if you must experience success in your endeavours.

1). ORDER: order is the accurate arrangement of things. Order, when made habitual, brings joy and success. An orderly life, business, career is what guarantees productive. People move away from anywhere see chaos, and move towards where orderliness is the norm, be it in business or any other endeavour.So if you must record exceptional success this year, 2009, you must labour to get orderliness into everything you do. There is no substitute for orderliness. It is so important that even if disordilness is a weakness you have, you must look for someone you can handle that aspect of your life for you. We will discuss more on this later - you must learn to staff your weakness, that is one of the major secrets of multimillionaires.

2). ACCESS: access is the second most important thing that makes for success. Access in this sense can be defined as the opportunity to connect with great minds/achievers, mentors and successful people in your area of assignment that you will love to partner your life after.To me, access is the easiest gate to success. It makes success cheap. Many a people have become super successful just like that because of the people they are connected to. Most people fail in life because of the group of people they associate with e.g. friends that are comfortable with their past and present, friends and relatives that are destiny killers. People who talk you down on your goals and dreams. If you must be successful this year you must strive to form a new circle of associates. You must associate with great achievers so that you can drink from their well of knowledge, you must associate with dream supporters who can inspire you to achiever your goals. You must be ready to do whatever it takes to create a new circle of mentors that will teach you the way to succeed in life at the speed of light. Whatever your dreams and goals are, you can achieve them with at the speed of light if you link yourself with the right people in your life. You can build big businesses, fly private jets, ride in the best of automobiles, if you can take the pain to gain access to great achievers. How to get connected to the is what we can discuss in subsequent times.We will leave our discussion here today until next time. You can read more from my blog: - there are great secrets of success in there for you. You can also reach me by email: or wisdomfortotalsuccess@yahoo.comWe can be of services to you when you invite us to do motivational speaking for you in your events, seminars, training of your company staffs, business coaching, church events. Much more, you can connect with us to support your life dreams/visions.Remember, to get something you have never had before you must be ready to do something you have never done before. Take action and connect with us.
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Your partner in progress,
Joachim Okhai:
FOR: Wisdom For Total Success International.
