“Things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly.” - Francis Bacon.

In the world we live in today where the only constant is change, we have to reinvent ourselves regularly to meet the demands and challenges that face us daily especially in the area of our life goals. So it is safe to say, to every man and woman whose desire is to achieve uncommon success in their sphere of assignments, they must be willing to adhere to the key principles of reinvention:

1). WORDS: By your words you shall be condemned, and by your words that shall justified. Matthew 12:37.What you say, and how you say it will determine the direction of your life. So reinvent the words that comes out of your mouth and stop every foul word and inculcate edifying and dignifying words at all times.

2). APPEARANCE: First impression matters. First impression can imply your appearance. Researchers have discovered that 98% of all hired employees influenced the employment decisions of employers by their appearance at interviews. You will always be addressed by the way you are dressed. You have to reinvent the way you dress, what you wear and how you wear it. Your appearance makes a statement before you have the opportunity to speak. Do not say I don’t think how I dress matter. It does matter. Always dress your best at every moment. Get to know colours and how to combine them. Come out brand new at all times – it will influence decisions on your behalf.

3). YOUR POSTURE: your bodily carriage tells a lot about you, your depth in personal development. You must reinvent your posture; learn to walk tall, shoulders high, chin up, and back straight. Be conscious of your posture when you walk, sit or stand – your movement sends either negative or positive message at all times. A man who goes around with a posture of a victim mentality, will always be different from the one that just closed a million dollar deal. Humans in general are magnets, so let your bodily posture become one of the magnets that draws the right people to you.

4). THOUGHT PATTERNS: Reinvent your thought patterns (your mindset). “As he thinks in his heart so is he.” – Proverb 23:7. Brian Tracy puts it this way “change your thoughts and your world will change.”This is by far one of the most important principles of success, yet the most over looked by the unsuccessful people. So, it is safe to say, that your mindset is by far the biggest influence you have in the creation of the successes you desire so much. Therefore, please reinvent, and re-invent big time on your thought patterns. It will affect your perspective and your perspective will determine the results you produce. A positive mindset will always guarantee what others may call miracles in your life, while the negative mindset will always guarantee you circles of pains. It’s a habit, so it can be learned and unlearned. In life, some see the glass half full, while others see it half empty. Some see the silver lining in the dark cloud, while others see the dark lining on the silver cloud. You will ultimately become what you think. If you think you cannot make that dream come through so be it, and if you think you can make it happen so be it. In the words of Henry Ford “if you think you can or cannot, you are both right”. Drop the impossibility mentality and embrace the possibility mentality and your world will change for the best.

5). RELATIONSHIPS: Reinvent and redefine your relationships. Who you associate with will determine your direction in life. If you walk with smart, successful, and enthusiastic people, you will become like them, and if you walk with foolish, negative and poor people, so you become. Reinvent your association today. Choose influential people who are ready to challenge you to make your dreams happen. Walk with possibility thinkers. Avoid pessimists, cynics and complainers. As you reinvent your relationships, your life will take a upward turn.

6). ETIQUETTEES: Etiquette can be defined as the art of presentation in dignity and style. You must learn etiquettes at all cost: Learn courtesies. Learn how to eat with the right utensils. Learn how to dress appropriately for different occasions. Learn art of speaking and listening like a gentleman or lady. Learn how to conduct yourself decently in the office and in public places. Learn how to give the right compliments. Learn how to dance. Learn all things correctly. Schools are setup in modern societies just for learning etiquettes to offer these services, please take advantage of them. I have met many a person who complain of doors of opportunities which were slammed against their faces because of the lack of etiquettes on their part.
You must commit to learning, using, and reinventing your etiquettes at all times.

7). ACTION: Action can simply be defined as doing. Nothing takes the place of action if you are to succeed in anything. This is why in the subject of reinvention, it is not what you do that matters but how you do it. One important key here is take action with the perspective of viewing risk above fear. Great dreams do die when fear paralysis action.

8). PRINCIPLES: Principles are sets of rules that hold true in all circumstances, your ignorance of them not withstanding. Reinvent and become a principled oriented person today. Don’t leave life unfulfilled. A life of governed by exercise of simple and basic success principles will always guarantee successes.Please leave your comments on this message.Till I write you again, always remember that for you to start enjoying the kind of success you have never had before, you have to begin to do success oriented things you have never done before.
Remain blessed.
Your success partner,
Joachim Okhai & Wisdom For Total Success International.
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*Lets join forces and make your great dreams come through and make the world a better place.
Recommended Book: Reinvent yourself by Fiona Harold.
